Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Alex Honnold on Belly Full of Bad Berries

I am experiencing a giant climber crush on Alex Honnold. Watch the video of him climbing Belly Full of Bad Berries at IC. Holy crap! This guy makes off-width climbing look elegant!

Fantastic thread about the route, including links to videos of others climbing it, over at Supertopo.


  1. Alex lives near my old partners. One of them had the pleasure of following him on his free ascent of the Salathe Wall. Amazing climber, very humble as well. If it hadn't been for another friend, no one would have known he soloed Moonlight Buttress.

  2. I really like his attitude. In this interview he was asked about what he thought the most important achievement of his climbing trip to England was, and he responded "I think "important achievement" might be overstating the impact of a climbing trip. Curing AIDS is an "important achievement"." That's a very thoughtful answer and to me it indicates the guy's brain hasn't gone to mush from "being in the zone", which is remarkable.

    Also, I understand that Sharma is a ridiculously talented climber, but the way he carries himself and his speech patterns grate on me. I wouldn't say anything of the sort about a non-pro climber, but Sharma is a public figure and a climbing prodigy, so there's a lot of media of him shoved down our throat. So I consider Honnold, who is calm and precise in both speech and carriage, to be my Sharma-antidote...

  3. Oops, forgot to paste the link to the interview, it won't work in the above comment.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Have you seen the video of Katie Brown on BFOBB? If you get past the music and the annoying effects, you get to see "high fashion meet high grovelling". Plus it is fun to watch someone tiny work out jams in an offwidth. video

  6. So, I did watch that video, since it was linked off the thread I mentioned, and I couldn't get over the sense that it was vaguely exploitative. There's Katie, obviously incredibly young and giggly, with this older leering dude... the whole thing was disturbing.

  7. nice interviewing
    ...lots can be learn from that interview..thanks man....:D
