Thursday, April 23, 2009


I was looking over some routes in the Needles so I could send a friend some links and I came upon Igor Unchained. Holy crap! It's beautiful! So I fired off email to Ben:

- I want to be able to lead this by next spring.

In all likelihood I would be able to lead this now, but it would be in bad form and epic, and maybe a little dangerous. And the Needles have a very definite season during which they're both accessible and pleasant, so I can't say let's do it in 6 months. So, OK, let's be generous: next spring. And back came the reply:

- Saturday, May 1, 2010. It's on my calendar.
- Time to do some more laps at the gym.

Good partners rock the firmament! And it's been thrown down :-)

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